East Barnwell Health Centre

East Barnwell Health Centre, Ditton Lane, Cambridge, CB5 8SP

Telephone: 01223 728900


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Clinics & Services

Specialist Nurses

The specialist nurse has minor illness appointments to deal with:

Upper Respiratory Tract

Sore throats, Earache / infections, Cough, Flu, Hayfever, Laryngitis


Indigestion, Diarrhoea and vomiting, Cystitis, Worms

Head, Neck and Back

Headaches, Backache – acute, Stiff neck


Thrush / discharges, Missed pills, Mastitis, Emergency Contraception

Eyes and Skin

Conjunctivitis, Chicken pox, Scabies, Impetigo, Eczema, Nappy rash, Boils, Verrucae, Infected wounds, Ingrowing toenails, Head lice, Mouth infections

Practice Nurses

The practice nurses see patients daily by appointment (pre-bookable). They offer general health checks including asthma, diabetes, blood pressure, heart disease and pill checks.

They treat minor injuries, change dressings, remove stitches, take cervical smears, and give adult/baby immunisations.

Other Services


The midwife provides care to mums (& dads!) during pregnancy and immediately after birth.  As well at seeing mums at home, the midwife holds a baby clinic at East Barnwell Health Centre on Tuesdays from 9.30 – 13:00 and 14:00- 16:30  (by appointment only made through the Sky Team) and The Fields Children’s Centre, Galfrid Road, Cambridge CB5 8ND

The Fields Chilrens Centre: Telephone 01223 518333

Sky Team: Telephone 01223 348981

Health Visitor

Clinics held:  Drop in held by Health Visitors.  The Fields Childrens Centre, Galfrid Road, Cambridge CB5 8ND, on Thursdays 1pm – 2:30pm (Tel: 01223 518333)

Health Visitors: Telephone 03000 295050


Available by appointment after referral by your doctor. The NHS Counselling service offers brief counselling. There is usually a waiting list.

Change Grow Live

Change Grow Live support people of all ages and backgrounds with challenges including drugs or alcohol, trouble with housing, domestic abuse, or mental and physical wellbeing. Their services are free and confidential. If you’re worried about someone – like a friend, family member, client or patient – you can refer them to Change Grow Live to get support. You can also refer yourself if you need help. Please visit https://www.changegrowlive.org/advice-info/professionals-refer-someone


You can self-refer for physiotherapy by downloading a self-referral form from this website http://www.eoemskservice.nhs.uk/self-referral or alternatively by calling 0300 555 0123 and requesting a self-referral form from the physio administrators (this is a free service).


CAMTAD hold hearing help sessions at East Barnwell Health Centre on the first Wednesday of every month between 9.30 and 11:30am. https://www.cambridgeshirehearinghelp.org.uk/


You can be referred by your doctor, practice or district nurse, (also a self referral form is now available at Reception) if you meet the access criteria.

Opening Times

  • Monday
    08:00am to 01:00pm
    02:00pm to 06:00pm
  • Tuesday
    08:00am to 01:00pm
    02:00pm to 06:00pm
  • Wednesday
    08:00am to 01:00pm
    02:00pm to 06:00pm
  • Thursday
    08:00am to 01:00pm
    02:00pm to 06:00pm
  • Friday
    08:00am to 01:00pm
    02:00pm to 06:00pm
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
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